About "Life as it is"

"Life as it is" is the second blog I created after "Write it!".

In "Write it!", I only posted my thoughts about various things in life, which was pretty BORING, as my friends and family NICELY and INDIRECTLY told me.

So in this blog, I decided to post things that might actually INTEREST readers such as celebrity styles, international days, world events, etc.

How old is this blog?
Since May 27, 2010, I've been posting almost everyday, and I'm still trying not to miss any day without posting about things I find interesting.

What does "Life as it is" mean?
I've named my blog "Life as it is" for 2 reasons:
1- I always manage to write in a transparent and honest way because lying and twisting things makes no sense since I believe NOTHING is taboo!
2- Life is a very wide topic with so many opposites in it, so writing about it "as it is" makes it clearer and easier for me to understand it!

Why did I choose a BLACK background to write in WHITE on?
Simply because it represents my optimistic look at life: seeing and doing the GOOD things when everything seems DARK/BAD.

What's "The good, the great and the lovely"?
It's my own version of "The good, the bad and the ugly" and also relates to my optimism.

Any wishes?
I really hope you like my blog and visit as often as you can!

Last words?
Make sure you post your comments!
Take care!